Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Kublai Khan  a Good Leader?
Steven Del-Bosque
does Kublai khan do a good or bad job being emperor in china? is Kublai Khan going to bring the the yuan dynasty to its knees? people of china are worrying if Kublai is really doing a good job ruling china, Kublai must be dethroned.
    I think Kublai khan should be dethroned and detained dude to crimes againts china and the yuan dynasty, Kublai Khan had created a social class with 4 groups during his reign of emperor, the population was divided in to the following classes, 1#mongols, 2# immigrants from the west and some clans of Central Asia,  3# northern Chinese, 4# southerners, which included all the subject of the southern song dynasty( the dynasty before the yuan dynasty). Kublai Khan gave government Positions to Muslims and people from the west instead of his most trusted Chinese Subjects.
    on the other hand Kublai Khan might of not been a good leader but he was very successful towards himself, Kublai khan became a skilled horsemen at the age of twelve. Kublai was elected mongkes successor. Kublai was a great supporter of trade and science, and the arts, Kublai favored Buddhism but you could pick your own beliefs. Kublai khan had great war tactics, Kublai was able to conquer foreign territories and expand Mongolia.
    even though Kublai khan has succeeded in some things in his life that doesn't mean he was a fair emperor, someone that could make people feel like they are different from someone else just by saying there a different class from them self shows no feeling towards his people and only towards himself.

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