Tuesday, January 31, 2012

News Article

Founding Of the Yuan Dynasty
By Steven Del-Bosque
China Globe
            Kublai Khan was known to be a sporty and athletic man; he would play games at Shangdu where he and his kinsman would hunt so it would remind them of Mongolia. Kublai khan was one of the greatest Mongol emperors and founder of the Yuan dynasty.
            Mongke Khan, the fourth great khan of the Mongol empire, died in 1259 while surrounding a city in Chongqing, monke khans death left china without someone in charge and both Kublai Khan and Ariq Boge (one of Kublai Khans younger brother) wanted to be the next ruler of the Mongol empire, in the following years Kublai dueled his brother and defeated him in 1264 leaving Kublai The Ruler of Mongolia. In the early 1270s Kublai began his massive war against the southern song Dynasty. In 1271 Kublai claimed the mandate of heaven by proclaiming the new Yuan dynasty.
            Kublai Khan was the fourth son of Tule and Tule was the youngest out his brothers and sisters, Kublai khan happened to be Genghis khan’s favorite grandson, Kublai joined his father Tule, in battle as a child. As Kublai became older so did his reputation of being a great warrior, Kublai was only seventeen when his father sacrificed himself in order to cure Ogodei( a great political leader) from a very severe illness during his campaign.
            “I am the former ruler of the china from the southern song dynasty, I think what Kublai Khan has done to china has only brought suffering to the people of china”. My name is Daidu(Fake Person) and I see Kublai to be a strong, brave, and an intelligent emperor.

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