Thursday, February 2, 2012

Map of The Yuan Dynasty

            The Yuan dynasty (1280-1365) borders were a little bigger then today’s present day Chinas, as u see on the map of the Yuan Dynasty had conquered most of Mongolia and present day china hasn’t. Genghis Khan was the founder of Mongolia and died fighting of Chinese defenses, Genghis Khans eldest son Tule had a Son named Kublai Khan, when Kublai was seventeen his father Tule sacrificed himself to save his brother Monke Khan, Kublai was the next air for the throne, Kublai was great at war tactics and had conquered almost more land then all the previous dynasties Combined. The Yuan Dynasty especially controlled more land from the north, including parts from modern day Mongolia, compared to other dynasties that had almost no control over the Northern territory, the Yuan Dynasty bordered more then Mongolia and a little of the soviet union from the North, in the east he conquered all of china, in the south he bordered a little over Myanmar and a lot of India, and about half of Afghanistan and Pakistan, from the west he controlled almost nothing besides some parts of china.

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